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Whoever • 1 year ago

13:44 (loud gasp) We're dead

Nan Demo K(Nai)ves • 1 year ago

I laughed so hard at the gasp, Takemichi's reaction was so genuine.

Kirito • 1 year ago

Without Mikey and the other toman they will lose all is lost without Mikey's fault

GusGus • 1 year ago

Still pathetically weak but atleast he’s growing some balls

Marktherapist • 1 year ago

He just up his hp stats, no offense or defense power, just max hp

Bruh • 1 year ago

Bro don't need no offense or defense he maxed out the hp and luck so that's enough

baba boy • 1 year ago

i know little manga...he uped little offense...ull see...

Meroko Yui • 1 year ago

So his second adrenaline rush in the anime? Did have one in season 1. LoL.

Kirito • 1 year ago

You know taiju could have beat all of them if he didn't let them talk and just stand there

TheRuin • 1 year ago

dude shut the fuck up with spoilers no one asked

Bruh • 1 year ago

I mean I spoiled myself everything so I know what u mean he like gets actually strong by the end of the end lol

Diamon Shade • 1 year ago

After this arc right?

Shiro Aikawa • 1 year ago

never know when he'll get +1 attack

Kirito • 1 year ago

Why won't he just land a punch to taiju lol is that really hard lol

Shiro Aikawa • 1 year ago

its called a skill issue XD

Kanak sikarwar • 1 year ago

Yes it's freaking so hard specially for him did u see taiju's long hand 😂he can reach takemechi when takemichi isn't even close to him. Poor boy he is already quite weak.

Poke Chan • 1 year ago

anime should be titles, "I'm a masochist, so I maxed out my HP stats"

Niko-kun • 1 year ago

Imo It’s actually way more commendable to act ballsy knowing you’ll lose than knowing you’re strong and have a shot at winning.

Deus The Great • 1 year ago

It would be commendable if he acts ballsy and come up with a plan knowing it would fail, but not this guy. If you think doing stupid things is commendable, then you're wrong. It's okay to be weak but not a guy who head on with a bullet train and think he can stop it without anything to assist but his body alone.

Niko-kun • 1 year ago

I mean he can’t win because he’s not strong. He’s not smart enough to think about a “master plan” (frankly I don’t see what plan he could cook up honestly) so considering all that he’s just meant to lie down and accept his fate? At least he had the guts to do something meaningful and “motivational” so Hakkai wakes the fuck up. The point here is that even though he’s weak af, he can still stand up to Taiju. It’s supposed to be a wake up call to Hakkai who’s actually strong but scared shitless

Prof Beetle boy • 1 year ago


Niko-kun • 1 year ago

Thanks for letting me cook bruddah 😤🤝

Druid1 • 1 year ago

He doesn't really have a choice. He's seen what happens if he loses. Maybe since he's at church he's hoping God will send Mikey

Prof Beetle boy • 1 year ago

bro said god will send mikey 🤣🤣🤣

he might not hear the prayer 😂😂😂

Druid1 • 1 year ago

Amen 🥴

Deus The Great • 1 year ago

Nah, he just blindly head on and don't know what he's doing. Imagine he died from brain damage and you still think "this is meaningful"? This is for plot convenient, that's why he still alive. There is weapon you can use asides from your fist. At the very least, get rid of your pride and try to kick his balls. The fact that you can't come up with easy plan like this.... TRY even if you would fail rather than become a punching bag like that. First off, what is the point of trying to beat big dude? The plan is to make sure Hakkai or his sister doesn't kill their big brother, not to beat someone up. When they're numerous solution you can use to prevent Hakkai to go there to begin with. Not only when he literally broke up with his gf at the same place and date.

Naomi~ • 1 year ago

- he uses the knife, he goes to jail
- yea sure he can try to kick his balls but i'm sure u watched taiju be completely unaffected by mitsuya's attacks not to mention blocking
- yuzuha and hakkai try to kill their brother bc they see no other way out, in this particular situation beating him will prevent them from killing him. also how could he prevent hakkai from going there(even tho yuzuha is the one who kills taiju)? genuine question

he broke up with hina bc she can easily die earlier than 12 years now that he's more involved in the gang shit.

Deus The Great • 1 year ago

Did you actually say jail for using a knife? Really? Did you watched the anime? And does it have to be a knife? Baton? Brass Knuckle? The price is the whole future and of all thing you chose BARED FISTS? Really?

Did you just actually talked about beating Taiju? You genuinely know he's monster, and you still talked about in this particular situation is to beat him? Leaving Hakkai and Yuzuha there will just risking the same event to repeat the same LOL. I guess running away is not even in your head, huh?

Tell Mitzuya that Hakkai planned to kill Taiju, ask him to convince him, you can even sleep drugs him, or force to immobilize him. Again, the price is the whole future and you can't really be half-baked. Yuzuha goes there will more likely wouldn't see Hakkai and would shout to ask Taiju, where Hakkai is. Hakkai was there before Taiju, they met first. Yuzuha resolved to kill her oldest brother is because Hakkai was there. The point is to prevent Taiju's death from a hand of Hakkai or Yuzuha.

It doesn't have to be that day at the same location as that. Would you actually do the same sh*t instead of trying not to repeat the same event? You can broke up with her but it doesn't necessary have to be that day at the same location. Never heard butterfly effect? The slight shift may change the whole future for the better or worst.

Druid1 • 1 year ago

Yeah but Toman has a moral code. Settling it with fists is going to keep you on Mikey's good side

Naomi~ • 1 year ago

we literally saw 2 characters get imprisoned for stabbing other people... also where do you want him to pull those weapons out of? his ass? taiju wasn't even supposed to enter the church.
beating taiju is quite literally the only way, and i don't mean "beat" like literally beat him up. I mean overcome him.
sure he can ask mistuya to try and convince him, but i doubt it would work. drugging and immobilizing would only delay the even, if they were actually capable of that (hakkai is a very strong dude)
The day and time he breaks up with her has nothing to do with her death so whether he did it earlier, later, etc honestly does not matter. All it's really showed is that she survives for a longer period of time. You yourself pointed out the butterfly effect.

Deus The Great • 1 year ago

They got imprisoned for killing people, are you high or something? Just say that you have no eyes because knife was literally there for you to see, and you don't know folding knife? Taiju wasn't suppose to enter the church, are you sure that those 4 will be able to beat Taiju lmao. You're a funny man. If all you can think of is to beat Taiju, then you're wrong, lol, how, tell me, HOW, because what they do is just to physically beat him up not to overcome him. What do you mean delay the event? The point is to prevent to event itself. Funny how you think Hakkai strong enough to over drugs lmao. It doesn't matter what date or what time he did, but the different is not to repeat the event itself. He cen break up with her tmr but not the same date, the effect might be different. Imagine you walk on 1st lane and the car hit you, and die, you got time travel to redo yourself but choose to walk in the same lane instead of another lanes.

Naomi~ • 1 year ago

dawg pah-chin literally want to jail for stabbing osanai who didn't die, but i'm the high one right? for actually remembering the story...
also where did i say hakkai was strong enough to overcome drugs? I'm talking about actually stopping him from getting to that place
and you tell me i'm wrong for only thinking of "beating taiju" but you yourself didn't offer any alternative that would actually work/help them in the long run
and the reason hakkai ends up the way he does is because of the circumstances surrounding taiju's death, even if it doens't happen the exact date and time, if it still happens the same way the future stays the same. ur options would only delay the event.

Prof Beetle boy • 1 year ago

Oh here we go with the Ayannokoji pfp 😂 of course you don't think it's commendable to act tall in the face of adversity , Ayannokoji has a plan for everything 😂

Leo Aestron • 1 year ago

I place my bet that next episode he will uses his power of love and give Taiju a heavy blow that actually worked.

The Last Human • 1 year ago

Lmao you straight up spoiled you fucker

Leo Aestron • 1 year ago

I thought I actually forgot the what happened during the fight, but it is still somewhere in my mind if I wasn't wrong about what I predicted LOL

WhatsAnime? • 1 year ago

What? Ive legit never seen anyone drop a spoiler then act like they dont know whats going on even tho they literally "predicted" whats going to happen. Bro we really live in a simulation omg

Diamon Shade • 1 year ago

Bruh I was like there's a pipe somewhere in this fight but I couldn't remember why then bruh came out swinging

Diamon Shade • 1 year ago

I say he gets some of his respect by the end of this

theultimategamer95 • 1 year ago

Rare Takemichi W.

UrusaiN4 • 1 year ago

True, I can't lie I was getting pissed off at how it feels like he doesn't change anything but for this episode you've gotta commend him.

It was pretty badass at the end with his face all busted up and still having the balls to stand up to taiju like that knowing fully well he could die.

And at this point we know he's not beating anyone in a fight but at least he'll keep getting beat up to within an inch of his life.

Shai Asaraf • 1 year ago

Yeah, even though Takemitchy is weak and acts like a bitch sometimes, he does stand up to protect those he cares about. He took a beating from Mikey to prevent him from killing Kazutora, he nearly died trying to protect Draken from dying as well and now he takes a beating to prevent Hakkai from killing Taiju to prevent Hakkai from becoming a monster in the future.

Even though Takemitchy is physically weak what sometimes makes him strong is his sheer power of will which as you said you gotta commend him for that. I have mixed feeling towards him as an mc but I do like that aspect of him.

Diamon Shade • 1 year ago

Brain damage duh it reset his behavior

Deus The Great • 1 year ago

There is different between growing some balls and being an idiot. If he grow some balls , at the very least he has to come up with a plan even if he failed at the end. And being an idiot, just go straight to a running car and think you can stop it with your own body.

LB • 1 year ago

Bro stop being so dumb. If you saw a car was about to hit someone you love and only had time to act, would you save them knowing you would surely lose in a collision with a car? Aaand the point of the episode is to stand up for what you believe in regardless of the outcome not just make a plan to defeat your enemy - don't be so simple.

Deus The Great • 1 year ago

That's not even what i tried to say at all. And in this episode Tekemitchi's love one is not even here at all. I would understand if he did it to protect his love one, but not in this episode.

Calling other dumb and simple, and then you proceed to say " the point of the episode is to stand up for what you believe in regardless of the outcome not just to make a plan to defeat your enemy." Who is the dumb and simpleton one here? lol, The whole fucking point is to prevent the past event to repeat, just how narrow and simple is you mind? You're probably one of the failed adults like Takemitchi if that's all you can think off.

veltron • 1 year ago

You're the one who's being short sighted, we literally saw him take out the necklace with the pendant from Hina. This whole fight hinges on his ultimate battle to prevent Hina from dying. As far as he knows if he fails here, there's no more chances, and clearly by all indications this isn't the time for some hair-brained scheme. All the cards are on the table, and their backs are against the wall. If even he were to try to come up with a plan we've seen from his characterization thus far that he isn't some super IQ protaginist which many of us have become overly comfortable with, or an MC with conveniently high "battle IQ". He's just some dude, in a stressful situation, and with also missing probably a few pints of blood at this point. The only possible resolution to this is Takemitchy boy dying trying or the abuse victim being pushed over the threshold and finally joining the battle (he's clearly whack strong). Unless some deus ex machina soars in ofc.

LB • 1 year ago

lmao you definitely simple. The fact that you're still hung up on "should have a plan" still and your pfp...stop trying so hard to be "smart" and accept what the creators are trying to convey. If you're so frustrated that you need to reply to every person in the comment thread, maybe you should stop watching. It seems you are very stressed about this whole thing. Good luck to you mam/sir

Deus The Great • 1 year ago

Should have said it to yourself instead. Stop replied! This is the comment section for a reason, and i have every rights to express my thought regard the anime.

Diamon Shade • 1 year ago
